Senior Automation Engineer
Casper Frilund Lundquist
At Confirm, I have some really welcoming and positive colleagues. Jesper prioritizes our well-being very highly and we can count on him and each other when we need help. I have freedom and responsibility and can talk openly and honestly with both managers and colleagues.
Casper has worked with us since August 2016 and is part of our automation team. Casper has punctured his right lung twice within six months, resulting in 15 days in a hospital bed!
Validation Engineer
Laura Æbelø
The positive atmosphere is unmistakable when you enter Confirm. Everyone is helpful, inclusive and ambitious on each other's behalf, creating a unique sense of community among colleagues.
Laura has been with us since August 2021 and is part of our validation team. She likes to be challenged in her professionalism in addition to her competitive nature, which is especially evident in table football in the office.
Senior Automation Specialist
Dan Brammer
Confirm is the best place to be an employee. As an employee, you are taken seriously from day one - and never left alone with the customer. You will be challenged to the degree you want - it's just a matter of expressing your needs.
Dan has worked with us since 2007. Dan is part of our US operation and has a phobia of wet concrete - it runs in/out everywhere. Dan also has a passion for constant speed engines.
Senior Validation Engineer
Jeppe Lunde Schmidt
You can feel that people want to come to work at Confirm. It's great to be part of a team that likes to be together and where there's a cheerful atmosphere.
Jeppe has worked with us since March 2019 and is part of our validation team and teaches on several of our courses. He always wears a hat and has a stuffed beaver. He usually wears a shirt and tie, but one day he showed up with morning hair wearing pajamas and a robe... It was admittedly for Halloween.
Validation Engineer
Helene Huldgaard Christensen
As an employee at Confirm you have many benefits, including a work mobile, free lunch, flexitime and the opportunity to work from home, but I think the best benefit is my caring colleagues.
Helene joined our validation team in November 2021, and at Confirm, we are eagerly awaiting Helene to share her college humor, which she believes is not entirely appropriate in the workplace.
Jesper Bay Esbensen
There are many positive superlatives to attach to Confirm. It is clear that the core values are lived in practice and not just words
Jesper has been with us since June 1, 2020 and is currently CEO. He really enjoys sailing, although his talent doesn't quite match his enthusiasm. For example, Jesper has managed to step from the owner's Wayfarer dinghy directly into the Sound.
Founder & board member
Jesper Birkedal Strands
The best thing about Confirm is our boss - he's really nice. And he lives and breathes that we all thrive and develop - both professionally and personally ;-).
Jesper is the founder of Confirm, which he started in 2007. Jesper has a penchant for smart bags and printers and has only received one speeding ticket in four years.
Office manager
Bettina Flink Bentzen
The best thing about my job is that everyday is never boring. No two days are the same, so I never know what to expect.
Bettina has worked with us since August 2018. Bettina is part of our administrative team, and in her spare time she loves to speed around on her motorcycle - even faster if she's going to a South Jutland cake buffet.
Automation Engineer
Loke Rantzau Olsen
Confirm has given me the opportunity to try new exciting challenges and to stand on my own two feet, but at the same time, they are there to catch you if you stumble along the way.
Loke has been with us since December 2020 and is part of our automation team. Loke is a very active person and has mastered a maximum bench press of 130 kg.
Senior Validation Engineer
Louise Schjødt Engler
I became convinced that Confirm was the place for me when I discovered that Confirm is a company made up entirely of social engineers.
Louise joined the validation team in December 2021 and comes from a slightly (black) motley background... Louise's competencies are extensive and diverse, and as far as we know, she is currently the only Confirm'er who will be able to present a valid milking certificate on request.
Senior Automation specialist
Mikkel Kjærgaard Priest
The commitment and good teamwork at Confirm is felt as soon as you walk in the door. This, along with the company's openness and desire to help find the right solution, are just some of the reasons why I returned to Confirm.
Mikkel previously spent five years at Confirm and returned in May 2022. In his private life, he drives vintage cars, sails dinghies and plays underwater rugby. And he thinks he has built the world's best speakers.
Validation Engineer
Anne Lynn Nymand
At Confirm, you always meet happy and smiling colleagues and I quickly felt part of the team. You are welcomed and you have no doubt that your colleagues have your back if necessary.
Anne joined the validation team in August 2024 and holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology from Aarhus University. In her spare time she likes to play games. This is both on a handball court but also World of Warcraft.
Senior Validation Engineer & Engineering Manager
Katrine Vestervang Rivière
It's nice to be in a workplace where you can feel that every employee is important to the company and your needs and wishes are listened to.
Katrine has worked with us since April 2015 and is an engineering manager. Katrine has always been afraid of fire, so afraid that she went through all laboratory courses at DTU without ever lighting her Bunsen burner!
Senior Automation Engineer
Jonathan Løwert
At Confirm, we always strive to have fun while being professionally challenged. There is always support when you need it. Confirm is by far the best place I've worked, possibly because it's the only one.
Jonathan has been with us since March 2009 and is part of our automation team. Jonathan can fix anything in Excel, even the results of internal competitions. However, Excel hasn't helped him enough to win at foosball - yet.
In addition, Jonathan is currently working with our US team.
Automation Engineer
Nick Anders Nielsen
My attitude to the world is that it is exciting and that everything can be learned. My ambition is therefore to be a skilled automation engineer who lives up to Confirm's good reputation and, not least, contributes to the good atmosphere that always exists in the office!
Nick has been with us since August 2022, when he went from fresh out of college straight into our automation team. Not only is Nick stubborn as hell, he also loves a good challenge. The combination can result in a few bumps along the way, as his three scars on his head will attest!
Senior Validation Engineer
Alette Høgsted Frænell
Confirm is a place where you feel welcome from day one. People are happy and helpful, and the atmosphere is great. Despite the fact that few people work in the office on a daily basis, the cooperation and team spirit is always great!
Alette joined us in August 2022 in the validation team. She lives on a country estate with her family and has a lot of horses. So there's always something to do - luckily - because sitting still for too long is not her forte! So when she's not at work at Confirm, she can probably be found at a horse show or out driving a tractor.
Automation Engineering | Country Manager USA
Caleb Gibson
Confirm has done an amazing job of welcoming me wholeheartedly to a wonderful team! I feel that my needs are considered and addressed with the upmost passion, and that my voice is always heard. These are just a few of the many great qualities of Confirm.
Caleb joined the Confirm team in April 2022 and is part of our automation team. When he isn't busy working on a computer, Caleb likes to tinker with woodworking.
Automation Engineer
Begüm Laila Yüksel
From the very first job interview, you realize how good it is to be here, partly because there is room to improve your skills. As a recent graduate who wants to learn a lot more, Confirm is the right place for me to start.
Begüm joined Confirm as a fresh graduate in August 2022. When she's not doing automation for us, she spends her free time watching drag racing. Both the one with race cars and the one with RuPaul.
Senior Automation Engineer
Johan Åkesson
Confirm is a great company in the forefront of automation, with a highly skilled team of people and a company that cares about values in all aspects. I am very happy to now be a part of it all.
Johan started in Confirm in October 2022, re-entering the automation business. When he is not commuting to Denmark, he spends time running and maintaining his old Triumph sports car.
Automation Engineer
Magnus Dam-Hendriksen
From day one, I was welcomed into the entire team as if I had been employed for a long time. It's nice to come into the office knowing that there is room for a high level of professionalism and, not least, a good social team spirit.
Magnus started in an internship with us. In August 2023, he became a permanent part of our team after completing his degree in Electrical Engineering. He is very passionate about cars. Magnus' collection of sneakers is even more impressive; it consists of no less than 33 pairs.
Validation Specialist
Line Nielsen
I chose Confirm A/S because we are a team with a high level of professionalism, unity and a unique social commitment. As a consultant, I need to have a backing that supports and helps me in a busy everyday life. I've definitely gotten that at Confirm A/S, as well as a lot of laughs.
Line has worked with us since April 2023 and is part of our validation team. In her spare time, Line often stands in various positions with strange names like "upside down dog" and she also loves lifting iron. She boasts of having been in Wall Sit for 16 ½ minutes.
Validation Engineer
Kristine Drevesen
I like working at Confirm because it's a company that welcomes all talents, new and experienced. They look at a person's skills and competencies instead of how many years of seniority you have.
After a student job at Confirm, Kristine graduated from DTU in June 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Bioengineering. Kristine recently started crocheting, but it's still only turned into little teddy bears and baby slippers.
Validation Engineer & TL NN BA
Camilla Hjorth Christensen
Our team is exactly that - a team. Being an employee at Confirm means unity and security, even when we are out on assignments.
Camilla has a Master's degree in Applied Chemistry and started at Confirm in May 2023. In her spare time, Camilla spends a lot of time at the gym and on walks, where she practices recognizing birds by their song. So far, Camilla can recognize pigeons, gulls, crows and magpies.
Senior Automation Engineer
Joshua Dickson
I've been having a blast working with and learning from the great team at Confirm USA and Denmark. They've given me top-notch training and support which has allowed me to grow and learn new skills. I've been lucky to be able to apply these new skills for some fun projects for a great customer.
Joshua joined the Confirm team in 2024.
In his free time, he immerses himself in outdoor adventures like hiking. Joshua also have a passion for video games, and additionally, he also find great joy in playing the guitar.
Automation Engineer
Maria Joy
At Confirm, there is a strong focus on employee well-being and team spirit. As a new employee, you quickly feel part of the team and notice that the core values are lived.
Maria holds a Master's degree in Mathematical Modeling and Computing on top of a Bachelor's degree in Geophysics and Space Technology. Maria's extensive skills come in handy when she bakes cakes in her spare time, and in Confirm she has found a very appreciative audience for that.
Automation Engineer
Sebastian Hahn Enevoldsen
What made me choose Confirm was clearly their great friendliness, their focus on being a good place to be and the high professional level. As a new employee, I immediately got a sense of belonging, which I have only experienced in a few places.
Sebastian joined the automation team in May 2024 and holds a Master's degree in Mathematical Modeling and Computing. He once received a greeting from HM Queen Margrethe II on his birthday and is very skilled in a speedboat - or so he thinks.
Validation Engineer
Kiwi Kjøller
At Confirm, there is a fantastic team spirit where there is room for everyone, and room for both seriousness and fun. At the same time, there is a high level of professionalism, which allows for good sparring and knowledge sharing.
Kiwi has been with us since June 2023 and has a Master's degree in Medicine and Molecular Biology. In her spare time she enjoys practicing yoga and making filled chocolates, all with creativity in mind.
Senior Project Manager
Fie Barbara Nordskov Harder
The best thing about Confirm is the transparency of the company and the honesty of your work. I also really appreciate the sparring with good colleagues.
Fie joined the validation team in May 2024 as Senior Project Manager. When she's not on the golf courses with her 3 boys, Fie can be found on a run in the woods.
Senior Validation Engineer
Morten Engholm Henriksen
Even though we often work on customer sites, you still feel a Confirm team spirit where everyone is welcoming and you're never alone.
Morten has been with us since August 2023 and is part of our validation team. Morten never says no to playing board games (except Ludo), which also means that his collection counts 200+ titles.
Frida Agerskov Madsen
At Confirm, the atmosphere is always welcoming, laughter is easy and there is a professional approach to customer assignments. It's a workplace with a strong focus on both community and individual well-being.
Frida joined us as an intern in August 2023 and is studying Chemical Engineering and International Business. She is good at solving creative and logical problems; this is partly due to her background in fashion design.
Senior Automation Engineer
Lasse Bagge Peuliche
Confirm is truly a great place to be. There is a lot of positivity and joy among colleagues, a very free environment, challenging tasks and values that make us all 10% happier every day.
Lasse has worked with us since June 2017. Lasse is part of our automation team and thinks he's a lot of fun. If you're sad, just ask for the "Man bli'r glad song" - he knows it by heart.
Validation Engineer
Alesia Wang Olsen
I chose Confirm because of the welcoming atmosphere and strong core values. You feel supported through all tasks and there is a strong focus on socializing and well-being.
Alesia joined the validation team in September 2023 and when she's not working, she spends her time on new hobbies. She is currently learning how to hold her breath and her record is 3 minutes and 22 seconds.
Validation Engineer
Martin Holmgaard
Confirm has a strong focus on job satisfaction and professionalism. There is a lot of room for knowledge sharing, as well as room for collegial fun. From day 1, I have felt that I have joined a company that prioritizes their employees' well-being and personal development.
Martin joined Confirm in August 2024 and has a degree in Food Safety and Quality Engineering. Martin never turns down a challenge, including walking 100km in 24 hours, competing in the Danish Championships in table football, and becoming the family's first engineer.
Technical Operation Director
Jefrey Guzik
Grateful to be a part of Confirm and this wonderful team of people. The company's core values are what makes it a great place to work and thrive. The culture of prioritizing employees' wellbeing and providing for customers' needs shows the company really does care about the employees as much as the business side. Thanks Confirm!
Jefrey joined confirm in May of 2023 and when he isn't working he is enjoying his family and friends.
In his spare time, he watches Formula One racing and rides his motorcycle.
Executive Assistant & People Manager
Nina Funch Sørensen
Confirm says people first - and means it! We focus on both professional and personal development. We are not only seen as employees, but as people with all that entails and it is a pleasure to be part of a team where well-being and mutual respect for each other shines through so strongly.
Nina joined us in August 2024 as Executive Assistant & People Manager. She loves being with family and friends. Traveling, experiences and generally enjoying life means a lot, so she always has at least one trip planned, but preferably more - you should never miss out on the good experiences in life.
Automation Engineer
Kasper Henrik Kjærsgård-Jensen
It's nice to be in a place with plenty of room for professional development, and the great colleagues make for an encouraging and fun workday.
Kasper has been with us since September 2023 and holds a Master's degree in Molecular Biology and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. He loves trains and has even piloted a real one while traveling in Japan.
Validation Engineer
Victor Vestergaard
I think the best thing about Confirm is that the focus is on knowledge sharing and professional development, and there is a really good team spirit. I can feel that Confirm is a company where you really create value through knowledge and collaboration.
Victor has worked with us since January 2024 and is part of our validation team. In his spare time, Victor likes to cook, especially on the grill, and enjoys nature by going fishing.
Validation Engineer
Ida Kruse Knudsen
Confirm is a place where you are greeted with big smiles and open arms. There's room for who you are and you quickly become part of the team.
Ida joined the validation team in March 2024 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Bioengineering. When she's not working, she spends her time renovating her house and garden, practicing yoga, dancing and singing way too loudly, while dreaming of getting a dog.
Validation Engineer
Nathalie Anastasja Nielsen
At Confirm, there is a strong sense of community and you feel welcomed from the moment you walk in the door. There is good knowledge sharing and a focus on professional development.
Nathalie has worked with us since May 2024 and is part of our validation team. Nathalie can often be found in the garden where she has a collection of over 100 different dahlias, she is also a trained dog trainer and spends a lot of time training her dog.
Validation Engineer
Camilla Madsen
At Confirm, we have a strong sense of community and are committed to doing social and active things together. We look out for our colleagues more than other consultancies and have many initiatives to strengthen our community. This includes four major events a year and the 'culture box' initiative, where everyone can make suggestions for activities.
Camilla has been with us since September 2023 and has a Master's degree in Biotechnology. Her taste in music is a bit special as she mainly listens to soca and dancehall, which are exotic rhythms from the Caribbean.
Senior Automation Engineer
Jonathan Holmes
Jonathan joined the Confirm team in July 2023 and is part of our automation team.
Project Manager
Cecilia Rikke Bjerghave Bender
I was absolutely sure that Confirm was a nice place to be, right from the first conversation. There is a high level of professionalism and focus on employee well-being, knowledge sharing and sparring with colleagues. This was important to me as a recent graduate and therefore one of the reasons why I chose Confirm.
Cecilia holds a Bachelor of Science in Process & Innovation from DTU and has been part of the project management team since August 2024. Cecilia spends her free time on creative projects and pilates - and she once named a goldfish on national TV.
Mark A. G. Danielsen
At Confirm, there are many activities aimed at creating a safe environment and there are professional and friendly colleagues who are more than willing to share knowledge and experience. A workplace that has allowed me to grow and still have time for fun is something I really appreciate.
Mark joined Confirm in September 2024 as an intern and is studying Chemical Engineering & International Business.
He dances Bachata and can sing the song "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis Presley, which helped him win 15 frames of beer in a talent competition.
Lærke Yang Ming Olsen
As a new employee at Confirm, you are welcomed with a warm welcome and immediately experience a strong commitment to the community and a passion for high professionalism. Everyday life is never boring with great colleagues who always create a great atmosphere in the office.
Lærke has been an intern at Confirm since September 2024 and is studying for a Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Bioengineering at DTU. In her spare time, she juggles her time between experimenting as an amateur chef in the dorm kitchen and building an impressive collection of eight pairs of running shoes, which unfortunately have not been used as much as desired. That's all about to change, however, as she's set to run the 2025 Copenhagen Marathon.